I always knew I wanted to live on a farm and be part of an agricultural community.  Somehow we are making it happen and it is not always easy! All the hard work and tears are worth it when you see your kids growing up on a farm and every time a new calf is born!


Adrienne's Background

I completed a degree in Animal Science at Oregon State University and went on to get a Masters in Reproductive Physiology of Livestock.  During my undergrad years I started picking up small cattle breeding jobs that worked well into my class schedule because I could breed the odd backyard jersey in the evening or synchronize small groups of beef cows for days with no classes.  I also had the opportunity to help Henry Jaeger, local Select Sires Beef representative, with large breeding jobs and with teaching AI schools.

After graduating I stayed at OSU as an instructor in the Animal Science department, teaching Applied Reproduction of Farm Animals, Calving School and Cattle Artificial Insemination Schools from 2010-2017.  In 2014 I made the decision to expand my cattle AI business by becoming an independent contractor for Genex Beef. In 2015 I had the opportunity to take over Dave Myrhums Cattle Service business so he could retire. In 2016, I moved from being a Genex Beef representative to being a representative for Select Sires Beef when the Select Sires Co-op All West made the decision to expand their beef program and take on independent Beef Sales Representatives. Taking on Dave's clientele as well as becoming an All West/Select Sires representative greatly increased my cattle AI work so with a heavy heart I gave up teaching at the University in early 2017.

2018 has brought many milestones for the business and our family.  We have a our first good crop of Force calves to choose from.  We kept two red heifers, one of which was from a flush from a donor cow Shasha.  We are so excited about her and hope that she becomes a cornerstone of our breeding program. Business wise I have been busier than ever but I feel like I have been focusing my efforts and strengthening the business. 

We started leasing the property surrounding the house we have lived at for years and it has allowed us to expand our herd by leasing some commercial cows and also buy Tarentaise cattle.

Both boys will be attending Jefferson Elementary this year which will be great for picking up and dropping off. But we will really miss the wonderful Montessori school Griffin attended for the last 3 years. Both boys will be showing their chickens in Cloverbud 4-H at the fair.  The boys are so much fun and they are part of the reason we are doing all this!





What We've Achieved
